
Check out some of the resources available both in LGBTQ+ Resources as well as across TCU’s campus to help make your experience on campus as inclusive and welcoming as possible.

The TCU Health Center and a variety of community partners provide a variety of care for our LGBTQ+ Students. Visit to see a comprehensive list of where you can get medical related services.

Located in the Intercultural Center in the Brown-Lupton University Union on the first floor, there is a space for study and socializing. It is staffed by folks who help to make it a space open for any students, especially those who fall into a minority group, such as LGBTQIA+ students. LGBTQ+ Resources can assist students in identity development, ally trainings, and resource navigation.

The TCU Library provides a library guide for LGBTQIA students.

For the months of September 2018 and the Summer of 2019, there have been exhibitions on federal LGBTQ archives in the main library exhibition as well as a chronological exhibition of LGBTQIA+ history, through various media, alongside a celebration of Stonewall.

Librarians/Research Assistant Allies who specialize in LGBTQ+ literature or film

Cari Alexander – Film, Music and Media Librarian
Diana Boerner – Economics/Finance/Marketing/Management Librarian
Beth Callahan – Federal Depository Coordinator
Ammie Harrison – Women and Gender Studies/Theatre/English/Languages Librarian
Robyn Reid – Communication/Sociology/Justice/Education/Geography Librarian

The library database at now has searchable fields for any of the LGBTQIA+ identities. They have books, articles and DVDs/CDs available for rental as well as access to online databases. You can also watch live Theatre, or Dance or even the Met Opera Broadcasts by following the links on their website for free.

‘Genderwatch’ database is also available here and is a place where they are compiling, nationwide, LGBTQIA+ materials.

You can find the all gender restrooms on the TCU Campus Interactive Map.

  • Under the Locations Tab click the arrow next to the services option.
  • You will then be able to see the locations of TCU’s All-Gender Restrooms, Diaper Changing Stations, Family Restrooms, and Lactation Rooms.

Some buildings and locations require ID card/building access to enter that space.

This list is not a complete list. Please research any pre-requisites before selecting from this much-abbreviated list.

Predominantly Undergraduate

COMM 30262: Gender and Communication

ENGL 30763: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Authors and Themes in Literature

JOUR 20003: Diversity and the Media

ITAL 40623: Gender in Italian Cinema

ENGL 30473:  Wilde Years : Oscar Wilde and the 1890s

HNRS 20223: Language and Identity: Gender

HIST 40893: War and Gender in US History

HCOL 40043: Nature of Society – Gender

FTDM 30433: American Cinema: Queer Theory/LGBT Film

FREN 30153: Society and Gender Roles in France

WRIT 30893: Digital Inclusiveness: Cultural Identity and Authoring

FREN 40143: Intersectionalities: Gender and Sexuality in the French Colonies

STCO 16103: Diversity

SOWO 10833: Introduction to Social Work

SOWO 30583: Social Work and Diversity

SOCI 30863: Gender Politics

SOCI 30773/PHIL 30343: Sex Society and Ethics

SOCI 30743: Gender and Society

SOCI 30303: Marriage and Family

WGST 20003: Introduction to Women and Gender Studies

WGST 30193: Queer Theories

WGST 30203: Intersectional Activism & Social Justice

WGST 30303: Women of Color Feminism in a US Context

WGST 30403: Transnational Gender & Sexuality

WGST 30973: Special Topics in Women and Gender Studies

WGST 50103: Feminist Inquiry (cross listed for graduates)

WRIT 20303:  Writing Games: Gender and Sexuality in Video Games

ENGL 20223: Gender, Culture and Representation

MANA 20970: Special Problems in Management: Gender in Business

ANTH 30923: Sex, Gender and Ethnicity

ANTH 30653: Sex, Gender and Culture


Predominantly Graduate

SOWO 61823: Diversity and Social Justice

WGST 60003: Graduate Colloquium in Feminist Theories and Methodologies (BRIT 90003/ENGL 80123)

RECU 70970: The AIDS/HIV Pandemic

RECU 60053/80053/90053: World Religions and Gender

PTPC 95223: Sexuality, Race and Class: Implications for Pastoral Theology

PTPC 71583/71589/7592: Sexuality and Pastoral Practice

PRTH 80163/PTPC 95970: Christian Thought: Ministry in the Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay Community

SOWO 61803: Professional Foundation

SOWO 61823: Diversity and Social Justice

NETE 95963: Paul and Gender

HEBI 90970/95790: Eros and Civilization

ENGL 80523: Race and Gender in American Literature

ENGL 80523: Race and Gender in Latino/a Literature

Certificate in Gender and Sexual Justice (available at Brite Divinity School)

TCU Police are committed to the TCU Campus community in all of its forms.
Officer Pamela Christian and Officer George Steen are two open officers that can be contacted.

Non emergency number; 817-257-8400
Emergency number; 817-257-7777 (24 hrs)
Transportation services available for after hours when you may feel unsafe at 817-257-7930

The Counseling Center (817-257-7863) is located on the second floor of Jarvis Hall and it offers free assistance for any mental health needs or counseling needs. Many counselors are safe zone trained and knowledgeable.

‘Alphabet Soup’ is a group for LGBTQ+ students that would like a group session to share individual struggles and joys as well as learn more about oneself. In conjunction with the Counseling Center Amanda Swartz ( and Chaplain Todd Boling (, they meet Wednesdays from 3.30-5pm.

The Counseling Center has a 24/7 helpline; 817-257-SAFE(7233) all year round.

The Office of Spiritual Life offers support and care for any spiritual or religious questions or needs you may have. To speak with the chaplain, you can make an appointment on 817-257-7830 or email

‘Alphabet Soup’ is a group for LGBTQ+ students that would like a group session to share individual struggles and joys as well as learn more about oneself. In conjunction with the Counseling Center Amanda Swartz  ( and Chaplain Todd Boling (, they meet Wednesdays from 3.30-5pm.

Office of Institutional Equity

Any instances of discrimination or abuse can be reported to the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE).  The OIE will respond to allegations of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and sexual misconduct, including Title IX reports.

(817) 257-8228

If you are considering an internship working with local or national non-profit organizations, community-based organizations, or any other identity-serving organization, you could be eligible for the TCU Internship Scholarship Program!

The Internship Scholarship Program provides funding for students seeking internships that are unpaid. Often times it is difficult for non-profits, community-based, or identity-serving organizations to afford or pay interns, so this scholarship fund provides financial compensation for students in order for them to have an internship in an area they are interested in and want to pursue while still receiving financial compensation. If you have any questions about the scholarship program, feel free to reach out to GRO at or the Career Center at

TCU CARE (Campus Advocacy, Resources & Education) supports all students impacted by impacted by sexual and relationship harm, including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, family violence, sexual harassment, and unhealthy relationships. Students seek support for a range of experiences that might include a difficult friendship or roommate situation, childhood family abuse or students who have experienced trauma from a crime committed against them. CARE also provides community awareness and education to prevent and respond to sexual and relationship harms. To meet with a confidential Advocate, you can visit and schedule online with the Advocate of your choice. Wherever a student is on their journey, we are here to support them.