Get Involved with the LGBTQ+ Community at TCU

LGBTQ+ Resources

LGBTQ+ Resources finds itself at the center of gender and LGBTQIA+ related issues and topics on campus impacting students and works with campus partners to provide programming and resources to students and the larger TCU community prioritizing advocacy and lifting the student voice towards progress and education. From educational trainings to social programs, LGBTQ+ Resources offers something for everyone looking to be a part of a more inclusive TCU community.

Instagram: tcu_lgbtq

TCU Engage –

Queer and Allies Advocacy Council

The Queer and Allies Advocacy Council (QuAAC) at TCU is dedicated to engaging with and advocating for the LGBTQIA+ community on campus. Our mission is to identify and address issues faced by LGBTQIA+ students, working tirelessly to promote solutions and foster a more inclusive environment. QuAAC operates under the guidance of professional staff from the Student Identity & Engagement department, ensuring that our advocacy efforts are communicated effectively to higher bodies within the university. We prioritize the safety, anonymity, and privacy of all students who share their concerns and experiences with us, maintaining strict confidentiality. Our council consists of both a General Body and an Executive Board, with members assigned to various advocacy projects and supportive roles. Each spring, we welcome new members through a standardized application process, and our Executive Board, in collaboration with SIE staff, oversees the council’s operations and continuous growth.

QuAAC Instagram: tcu_quaac


Spectrum’s mission is to create a supportive, safe, and inclusive community for individuals who identify under the LGBTQ+ spectrum, as well as allies and those interested in recognizing sexual and gender diversity at Texas Christian University. We provide educational resources to the university and the broader community on issues of sexual and gender diversity. Additionally, Spectrum advocates for social and political action concerning sexual and gender diversity at local, state, national, and international levels.

TCU Engage link

Spectrum Instagram link

To contact Spectrum, please email